5 Essentials To Carry at Summer Camp for Kids

Summer camps are becoming very important for the growth and development of​​ kids. Parents understand the importance of sending their kids to these camps, as they want them to learn something during their holidays. Summer vacations are the longest ones, and you can learn various interesting skills that cannot be taught in your daily classroom environment.

Summer camp for kids can last a week or a month. If you are sending your kids to camp, where they will spend a few weeks away from you, you have to pack their bags very carefully. You cannot miss any essentials, as you do not want your kid to feel homesick if they do not find anything important in their bag.

Let us know in detail about the important things to pack in your kids’ bags while sending them to their favorite summer camp.

  1. Medication: If your child takes some daily medication, you cannot miss packing it in his or her bag. Consult their healthcare provider about their visit to the summer camp and the essential medicines to be packed in their bags. Many times, a child’s doctor provides a form filled out with the complete medical condition of the child, which you need to submit to the summer camp. This helps the camp organizers give clarity about the health condition of the child, and they provide special care for them.
  2. Water Bottle: You cannot rely on the summer camp organizers to provide a water bottle for your kid. Always pack a reusable, clean water bottle in your child’s bag so that they can easily carry it with them anywhere and stay hydrated. Explain to your child the importance of staying hydrated and ask them to keep drinking water from their water bottle. 
  3. Sunscreen: As it is a summer camp, the kids must carry sunscreen with them. A sun protection factor of at least 30 must be packed in their bags. The children perform various outdoor activities where they stay in direct contact with the sun for a very long time. Explain to them the importance of applying sunscreen to their bodies whenever they are exposed to the sun, especially when swimming.
  4. Head and Eye Protection: Pack a cap and sunglasses in their bag to protect their eyes and face from direct sunlight. Allow them to wear their favorite hat and sunglasses that make them feel more at ease. If you will allow them to choose, they will wear it happily; otherwise, they may keep it in the bag and move in the sunlight without wearing any gear. Protecting the skin and eyes is essential for kids who are suffering from any kind of skin disease. Health cannot be neglected if you are sending your kid to any summer camp.
  5. Clothes: Pack essential clothing in your child’s bag. It must include a swimming suit, night suit, sportswear, etc. You can also ask the summer camp organizers to provide a list of the type of clothing required by the kid at the camp.

Along with all these, pack some snacks, shoes, essential toiletries, and other things that your child may need at summer camp. Traveling to Empower Camp then Book OLA Rental. Use OLA Coupon Codes to get more discounts.